What if there were no helpers?
Do you find yourself feeling scared or anxious or worried about the things happening in this world? You're not alone. Many people are feeling the same way, including our children and elderly relatives. So, what can we do about it? How can we alleviate those anxieties?
Have you noticed that?
Have you seen the doctors, nurses, and CNAs?
Have you watched the police and rescue workers who respond to emergencies?
Do you know teachers, child care workers, sanitation engineers, mail deliverers, retail and foodservice employees, and so many others who are still doing, and planning to do, their jobs in spite of the COVID-19 and other unsettling situations?
Are there parents around you who consistently soothe away tears, teach with compassion, and provide all they can for their children?
Have you seen good neighbors who offer to mow an elderly neighbor's lawn, or weed their garden?
Are there people around who give of their food, money, and other resources to help those less fortunate?
Can we acknowledge these helpers in our lives and be grateful they are there? I say, YES!
Now, let's turn it around. What about the receivers? What if no one allowed the helpers to help?
It's pretty obvious we will nearly always allow people to do their jobs, especially when it benefits us.
But what about those who are helping out of the goodness of their hearts?
The neighbors, friends, and strangers who offer a bit of assistance when we need it?
What if we always said no to those offers?
When we accept an act of kindness when it's offered, we are doing that person a service. We're giving them the gift of fulfillment, satisfaction, and the pure joy that comes only from giving from the heart! When we say no, we are depriving them of those feelings which lift their world!
Think for a moment.
How do you feel when someone allows you to help?
How do you feel when they say no?
Ruth Larson, a delightful character in If We're Breathing, We're Serving, said this.
So, go out and Lift the World, my friends.
1. Watch for the helpers.
2. Be a helper when you can.
3. Be a gracious receiver when help is offered to you.
Lift the World
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