Waiting is hard!

Have you ever had to wait for an exciting event? Then, that event was postponed? The emotions are so real!

I finished the second book in my Jingle Bell Mysteries series, and it was scheduled for release on February 14, Valentine's Day. I was so excited! I started my marketing campaign with countdown posts for social media and my excitement grew. 

Then, through no one's fault, that release date was postponed... with no estimated date to replace the canceled one. I didn't know what else to do, so I stopped my marketing and waited. The emotions were all over the place: frustration, dashed hope, loss of marketing momentum, and finally, resignation. There was nothing to do but wait.

So, wait I did. Until today! Finally, today, the ebook version of The Case of the Runaway Reindeer is available on Amazon! I must admit, I did a little happy dance when I saw it with a search for "Nana Ferrell books." 

If you're curious and want to see what all my excitement is about, click below!

Happy Reading!


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