Locked out!

Ever feel wrongfully judged?

     I recently had the experience of being mistakenly accused of breaking rules... well, not just accused. I was convicted and punished without the due process I'd hoped I could expect in this country. No, I was not thrown in jail. Not a physical jail anyway. Social Media jail. Anyone who has had their account suspended, or been blocked from posting/pinning/tweeting understands what I'm talking about. 

     It seems that the social media platforms have the right to kick you off without any warning or chance to even hear the allegations against you. I have been focusing on one particular platform trying to build a following for my Lifting the World book series, and spreading the message of KESA (Kindness, Encouragement, Support, and Appreciation) to anyone who wants to make this world a better place. In fact, I've been spending a good deal of time on this particular platform. (I'm deliberately not naming the platform because my appeal is ongoing.) The things I've been sharing have been uplifting, educational, and informative. I was careful not to share too often, and didn't link to my landing pages too many times. I didn't share the same things multiple times. I am never deceptive or misleading (at least, not on purpose). I didn't hound my followers to buy my books. To my knowledged, I didn't violate any of their terms of service rules.

     In fairness, I wasn't the only one. Another author who's taking the same marketing course had her account suspended the same day. I understand that these social media platforms use computer algorithms to monitor such things. I also understand that computers are not infallible. Fine. I can accept that. 

     What I take exception to is the lack of due process. I was not told what I had done that violated their rules. I was not given an opportunity to explain any actions I may have mistakenly taken. Instead, my website was summarily blocked, and within half an hour, my account was suspended. No specific accusations. No chance to defend myself. No explanations given or heard. 

     That being said, the emails did have a link to file an appeal. So, of course, I clicked the link! Immediately, a page popped up that read, "Thank you for your response. We will investigate your case within the next 48 hours and email you our findings." 
     What does that even mean? Who will investigate? A person? A committee? Another computer? Will the "findings" include a list of my wrongdoings? Will I be reinstated or blocked permanently? Will there be some sort of explanation regarding why I was "jailed?" 

     The other author who was suspended the same day I was had her account reinstated the same day. No explanation. Just a short "Sorry for the inconvenience" email and boom, she was up and running again. On the other hand, another woman I read about had to fight for two weeks to get her account reinstated, using daily emails and requests to speak to a human being. (I don't think she was ever granted that last request.) I know of others who were permanently banned. (Honestly, I don't know what they did, either.)

    So, the question becomes, have we given social media platforms too much power? If so, is there a way to take it back? Or are we destined to have our online lives dictated by computers that can "jail" us on a whim? 

     I'll continue to send requests for appeal emails. I'll continue using my other social media platforms to share the Lift the World message. But I'll be honest. This has made me apprehensive and much more cautious about what I share and how often I share it. Will this affect how quickly and effectively the Lifting the World message spreads? No doubt. Will it stop me from trying to Lift the World with KESA? Not at all! 

www.facebook.com/groups/LiftingTheWorld     Which is where I could use some help. If you feel inspired by anything I post, please feel free to share it! If something I say or share leads you to action, leads you to Lift the World for someone in your life, please share that! Join our Facebook group, Lifting the World, and share your experiences. Let's lift each other up, especially during this crazy time! 

     As John Holmes said, "There is no exercise better for the heart than reaching down and lifting people up.

     If you've read this far, thank you! Keep encouraging thoughts coming my way, will you? Hopefully, I'll be out of social media jail soon.

Meanwhile, keep KESA alive!
Keep Lifting the World!!




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