How to find happiness in a world filled with chaos
Does the world feel out of control right now?
Guess what. It is.
But we don't have to succumb to the helpless feeling that generates.
By helping others.
"But I don't have time!" you say.
Go get 'em! You got this!"I don't have resources!"
"I want to keep my distance so everyone is safer."
"I just don't know where to start!"
I understand and I have some suggestions.
Begin by taking a deep breath.
Then, look around you.
Does your spouse need a hug?
Do your children need five minutes of undivided attention?
Does your neighbor need a friendly wave?
Are the flowers in your garden looking wilted?
Would your cousin like a surprise meal delivered by Doordash?
Does your grandmother enjoy letters and cards?
Take a few minutes and look around.
Pick one thing to do today.
Then something else tomorrow.
When you wake up each day, pick one helpful thing you can do for someone else.
Over time, you'll find you don't feel quite so helpless.
The world may still be in chaos for a while,
but you'll feel better.
And so while those you help.
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