
Waiting is hard!

Have you ever had to wait for an exciting event? Then, that event was postponed? The emotions are so real! I finished the second book in my Jingle Bell Mysteries series, and it was scheduled for release on February 14, Valentine's Day. I was so excited! I started my marketing campaign with countdown posts for social media and my excitement grew.  Then, through no one's fault, that release date was postponed... with no estimated date to replace the canceled one. I didn't know what else to do, so I stopped my marketing and waited. The emotions were all over the place: frustration, dashed hope, loss of marketing momentum, and finally, resignation. There was nothing to do but wait. So, wait I did. Until today! Finally, today, the ebook version of The Case of the Runaway Reindeer is available on Amazon! I must admit, I did a little happy dance when I saw it with a search for "Nana Ferrell books."  If you're curious and want to see what all my excitement is about, c

Did you ever wonder?

 Did you ever wonder what an author looks like after a three-day signing/selling event?  Well, here's a clue... I'm not really that  tired. The cameraman just clicked at the right (wrong?) moment.  The other authors there were bright, happy, and beautiful, though, don't you think?  The event was a huge success and we're looking forward to our next one, hopefully in September.  Meanwhile, have a fun, safe summer and happy reading!

On the Subject of Newsletters

Are newsletters worth your time?  For me, the jury is still out on this one. The marketing gurus say newsletters are a must for authors, but I wonder if that's an accurate assessment.  There are a couple of newsletters that I read faithfully because I enjoy the author's style and content.  But many of them seem to be nothing more than glorified advertising for the author's books, which turns me off. I tend to ignore those.  Personally, once a month is plenty for me, but other authors flood my inbox with weekly offerings, or on the opposite spectrum, only when they have a new release.  Anyway, that's my two-cents. What about you? Truthfully, do you read the newsletters you've signed up for?   If so, what do you enjoy about the ones you read?  What makes you scroll by the ones you don't?  How often do you prefer to receive them?  Do you prefer that they stick to the topic, or do you enjoy peeking into the personal lives of the authors you follow? Just looking for

Final week!

Well, my friends, we're in the final week leading up to  the  " Authors for Freedom " event  supporting  Operation Underground Railroad ! Author Rebecca Connolly is also participating in this " Authors for Freedom " event with one of her delightful books, " What a Spinster Wants. " Heather B. Moore is participating as well, with her story " Steal my Heart ." That's the second in her Prosperity Ranch series. Other authors include Lorin Grace , E. B. Wheeler , Brock Booher , Wendy Whiting , Sarah Hadsell , and  Elizabeth Anne Suggs . At last count, there were 80 authors joining forces to support O.U.R.! You can click on each author's name to be taken to either their website or Amazon link. Read more about the campaign at  Authors for Freedom – Operation Underground Railroad . Join the fight by reading an Author’s For Freedom book and learn more at . “To the children who we pray for daily, we say: Your long night is

What if there were no helpers?

Do you find yourself feeling scared or anxious or worried about the things happening in this world? You're not alone. Many people are feeling the same way, including our children and elderly relatives. So, what can we do about it? How can we alleviate those anxieties? Mr. Rogers, the beloved children's television icon, told this story on his show once. He said, "When I was a boy and I would see scary things in the news, my mother would say to me, 'Look for the helpers. You will always find people who are helping." To this day, especially in times of 'disaster,' I remember my mother's words and I am always comforted by realizing that there are still so many helpers - so many caring people in this world." Have you noticed that?  Have you seen the doctors, nurses, and CNAs?  Have you watched the police and rescue workers who respond to emergencies?  Do you know teachers, child care workers, sanitation engineers, mail deliverers, retail and foodservic

Locked out!

Ever feel wrongfully judged?      I recently had the experience of being mistakenly accused of breaking rules... well, not just accused. I was convicted and punished without the due process I'd hoped I could expect in this country. No, I was not thrown in jail. Not a physical jail anyway. Social Media jail. Anyone who has had their account suspended, or been blocked from posting/pinning/tweeting understands what I'm talking about.       It seems that the social media platforms have the right to kick you off without any warning or chance to even hear the allegations against you. I have been focusing on one particular platform trying to build a following for my Lifting the World book series, and spreading the message of KESA (Kindness, Encouragement, Support, and Appreciation) to anyone who wants to make this world a better place. In fact, I've been spending a good deal of time on this particular platform. (I'm deliberately not naming the platform because my appeal is ong

Before it's too late?

     This quote hit me hard this week. In the past two months, I've had two friends whose husbands died. It was a shock in both cases.       It really made me think about my relationships with others. Truthfully, we never know when our last interaction will be our last interaction. I, for one, want my final interactions to be filled with kindness, light, and love.      There is a lot of negativity in the world, right now. My hope is that individually, we can ignore the rantings of those who's agendas include namecalling, insulting, or denegrating another human being. I hope we can rise above that and fill our lives with joy, peace, and kindness.       I promise you, if we put in that effort, that kindness will ripple out and affect those around us. If even half of them follow our example, and half of the people they influence follow their example, etc., how much better would this world will be?      As an example, take a look at this chart.      That's if only a 20% pass it