
Showing posts from March, 2021

On the Subject of Newsletters

Are newsletters worth your time?  For me, the jury is still out on this one. The marketing gurus say newsletters are a must for authors, but I wonder if that's an accurate assessment.  There are a couple of newsletters that I read faithfully because I enjoy the author's style and content.  But many of them seem to be nothing more than glorified advertising for the author's books, which turns me off. I tend to ignore those.  Personally, once a month is plenty for me, but other authors flood my inbox with weekly offerings, or on the opposite spectrum, only when they have a new release.  Anyway, that's my two-cents. What about you? Truthfully, do you read the newsletters you've signed up for?   If so, what do you enjoy about the ones you read?  What makes you scroll by the ones you don't?  How often do you prefer to receive them?  Do you prefer that they stick to the topic, or do you enjoy peeking into the personal lives of the authors you follow? Just looking for